
Presentations and Comments


(New) Panelist, “Why and How 97% of IP Portfolio Owners Destroy Most of the Value in Their Portfolios”, USI 2023 Conference, October 21, 2023, Washington, DC.


(New) Moderator, “Negotiating with the Patent Sellers or Buyers from China: Knowing Yourselves and Your Counterparties is the Key to Successful Deals”, LES Annual Meeting 2023, October 16, 2023, Chicago.


(New) Speaker, “LES Royalty Surveys: Deal Structures, Benchmarking Data, and LES Build-up Method for Royalty Rate Determination”, IP Licensing CLE, Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) IP Section, July 18, 2023.


Panelist, “Data-Driven Decision-Making for IP Licensing and Transaction: Use LES Royalty Survey Reports and Other Data Sources to Guide Monetization Campaigns”, Licensing Executives Society (LES) International 2023 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 2, 2023.


Panelist, “Forget the guesstimate: a statistics-based approach to royalty structuring and quantifying”, February 14, 2023, Online Webinar, ASTP (Europe’s premier association of Knowledge Transfer professionals).


Speaker, “Payment Structuring and Royalty Determination: Use LES Royalty Survey Reports to Guide IP Monetization”, Topic Meeting on Complex Clauses, Licensing Executives Society (LES) Benelux, November 16, 2022, The Hague, The Netherlands.


Panelist, “2021 High Tech Royalty Rates and Deal Terms Survey”, LES Annual Meeting 2022, October 18, 2022, San Francisco.


Quoted in “Importance of cash-only agreements plummets in IP licensing, according to new LES USA and Canada report”, IAM, by Angela Morris, September 27, 2022.


Speaker, “Royalty Determination and Payment Structuring for Licensing and Litigation”, IP Licensing CLE, Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) IP Section, July 15, 2022.


Quoted in “Investors Eye Patents After ‘Extraordinary’ Damage Awards Run”, Bloomberg Law, by Matthew Bultman, November 6, 2020.


Speaker, “The Alice Shock: The Impact of Alice on Licensing Market and Software IP Licensing”, Patent Masters™ Symposium – Alice Five Years Later”, Washington DC, June 25, 2019.


“Value IP Assets Using Market Data from High Tech Royalty Surveys”, HIGH TECHNOLOGY SECTOR BUSINESS MEETING & LUNCHEON, moderated by Bob Held, President & Chairman of the Board Licensing Executives Society USA & Canada (LES); LES USA Canada Annual Meeting, October 17, 2018, Boston.


Panelist, “LES 2017 High Tech Royalty Rate Survey Results and status of EU FRAND jurisprudence based on recent Court Cases”, Licensing Executives Society International Annual Conference, May 1, 2018, San Diego.


Co-presenter (with Bob Held), “High Tech Sector: Royalty Rate and Deal Terms Survey”, Licensing Executives Society US and Canada, webinar, March 29, 2018.


Panelist,  “LES High Tech Sector Royalty Rate & Deal Terms Survey 2017 – Preliminary Analysis”, presented “Part II: Economic and Financial Analysis”, Licensing Executives Society USA and Canada Annual Meeting, October 25, 2017, Chicago.
Speaker, “Bridge the Gap: An Augmented Market Approach to Patent Portfolio Valuation”, a webinar for LES, October 6, 2016.


Moderator, “Moderator, “Extincting Dinosaur or Re-emerging Phoenix: The Future Role of NPE in Patent Market and Patent Litigation”, LES Spring Meeting, April 28, 2016, Houston.


Moderator, “The Future of NPE Business Model: Will 2015 Be the Cretaceous for NPE?”, LES Spring Meeting, May 14, 2015, La Jolla.


Panelist, “LES High Tech Sector Royalty Rate & Deal Terms Survey 2014”, webinar, Licensing Executives Society USA and Canada, March 18, 2015.


Panelist, “PUTTING INNOVATION AND IP AT THE HEART OF YOUR BUSINESS: IP Strategy – key part of company’s corporate strategy”, London IP Summit, October 13, 2014, London Stock Exchange.


Speaker and Co-moderator, “Workshop 6: High Tech – 2014 LES High Tech Sector Royalty Rate & Deal Terms Survey: Preliminary Analysis and Results”, LES USA & Canada Annual Meeting, October 7, 2014, San Francisco.


Panelist and Panel Coordinator, “Workshop 3: High Tech – A Year After the GAO NPE Litigation Report: Its Impact on IP Industry and the Future of NPE Litigation”, LES USA & Canada Annual Meeting, October 6, 2014, San Francisco.


Panelist, “Special Techniques and Insights when Valuing Intellectual Property Transactions: From Early Stage to Maturity”, LES Annual Meeting at Philadelphia, September 23, 2013.


Panelist, “Patent Market and Monetization: Valuation, Liquidity, and Other Challenges”,  LES Annual Meeting at Philadelphia, September 23, 2013.


Moderator and Discussant, “Panel Discussion: Important Economic and Financial Decisions in IP Monetization and Assertion”, LES Austin Chapter, September 13, 2013.


Panelist, “Interpret and Apply Market Prices for Patent Portfolio Valuation” in the Workshop Session “Valuation for Financial Reporting and its Impact on Licensing Deals and Patent Litigation”, October 16, LES USA and Canada Annual Meeting, October 14-17, 2012, Toronto.


Panelist, “Comparison of Royalty Rates, Deal Terms, and Best Practices across the CEEM, High Tech, and Life Sciences Sectors”; October 16, LES USA and Canada Annual Meeting October 14–17, 2012, Toronto.


Panelist, “Mass Aggregator, NPEs and Patent Trolls: Threat, Opportunity or Both for University TTOs” Technology Transfer Tactics webinar, July 27, 2012.


Panelist, “The 25% Rule After Uniloc: From Rule of Thumb to Rule of Science”, at the 11th Annual Hot Topics in Intellectual Property Symposium, Duke Law School, Friday, February 3, 2012.


Panelist, “Part II. Financial Terms” in “Key Deal Statistics from the High Technology Industry -Exclusive Data Revealed from the Inaugural LES High Tech Royalty Rate Survey”, LES Annual Meeting, October 19, 2011.


Panelist, “Patent Portfolio Valuation in the Past Decade” in “Interpreting Current IP Licensing Trends for Future Advantage”, LES Annual Meeting, October 19, 2011.